Thursday, April 1, 2010

Time, Timing and Fate

The greatest of relationships, teams, classes, administrations, ideas.....usually have a few things in common. Timing is one of those things. Words need not be spoken, you just trust that when needed you will all arrive together and when you're apart you're still most likely together. In the rare instance of a separation of thought the goal is not to focus on pride or ego, it is to focus on the goal of unity....and then collective pride and ego maybe?

...the feeling of a team, in matching color, confidently riding together comes from the inside as proven in two separate decades with a decades length in between. We've ridden and thought as a team the whole time, apart. Why would we ever let go of any glory days when they won't let go of us?

It's seems strange how this group of fellows has suddenly snapped back together. But it's not. I had online race registration pages up on my computer the very night that Roger mentioned that we should do a race. ...just like, when without thinking, Mark and I moved to the exact point in the pack that we needed to be for Roger to win the sprint and win the Washington Trust Cycling Classic in 1989...or 90? ...see, memory may fade but apparently timing doesn't cause here we are together again and we didn't even plan it. .....or did we?

1 comment:

  1. This is cool. Really cool. I'm excited for all of you guys.
